Orchids are easy to grow don't be told otherwise, you just have to remember that the majority of orchid types which are cultivated do not grow in soil. They are epiphytic (grow on the branches and crotches of trees) or lithophytic (grow on rocks) and have a greater part of their root system exposed to light and air. For success these conditions must be copied in cultivation. To do so plants can be grown on slabs of tree fern, cork bark, coconut shell or husk etc. or planted in pots or baskets with a coarse potting mix, this ensures a high volume of air within the pot and free drainage of water.
Water- during the warm months (spring, summer and early autumn) water can be given freelly, especially through summer but care must be taken to ensure the plants do not remain sodden for days on end. On hot days plants will benefit from occasional misting, this helps to keep temperatures down and raise humidity. More care must be taken during winter months and water is best given on fine sunny days as early as possible to allow the plants time to dry off before nighfall. A dry plant is far less likely to suffer damage due to cold than a wet one.
Light- most orchids enjoy good light but require shelter from the strong late morning/early afternoon sun. Try to give your plants as much light as possible from late autumn through winter as this helps to mature and 'harden' the seasons growth making for stronger more productive plants.
Fertilser- when using fertilser it is good practice to thoroughly water your plants then apply the fertiliser. This ensures distribution of the fertiliser throughtout the pot and removes any risk of damage to the roots which can happen if food is applied to dry plants.
Re pot- would be a good practice to re pot your plant every second year. Change to a one size bigger pot, rather than too bigger pot, that plant will quickly re establish in the new pot and send flower spikes quicker too. Recommend to use special orchid bark.